Feb 21, 2009

25 things

1) Went ecstatic when a teacher from school (whom I respected) told me that I was always a Rebel !

2) I love my sibling no matter what! I Seriously pity only childs and I think a brother sister combo is usually the best.

3) I love the quote from "Lions for Lambs" when the Redford guy says something along the lines of "..... you won't realise you've become an adult with responsibilities unless your too far gone into it already" .

4) I have never used so many I's before.

5) Hates people who demand clarity within the government while practicing micro-hippocracies of their own .

6) I get a complex whenever I pass across amazing art , because I love dabbling with images and sketches. The ability to express a picture within one's mind on paper and to do so beautifully is something I'll forever envy.

7) Still remember the day when I was rewarded with a chocolate by my primary teacher for acing a test which i had missed (she quizzed me right there in front of the whole class) . The best part was when I was called back to the teacher's desk .... It was like a walk of fame with almost everyone cheering me on a bit,because I out-scored the geek in class by half a mark ( the geek in class was a she and not many liked an over achiever then..... nor do they now) and I was given the chocolate in front of everybody!

8) I'm starting to agree with the Joker with "Anarchy being Fair".

9) I'd rather command respect than fear.

10) I wrote half of this note during a blackout , while in the loo. I have finished reading more pages while in the bathroom than in any other 4 walled space and still continue to do so with utmost pleasure .. and leisure.

11) Nearly always finish off good books (and rarely movies) with a background score and a DBC at hand... makes it all the more momentous.

12) If any part of my life till now were to be put into an eternal loop... I'd wish it to be the five days of the Madras trip.. especially the train ride home.

13) I really don't mind kids as long as they are not my own. In the sense its easier to be fun as an Uncle than a father. (I'm quite good with them apparently and I'm a pretty "cool" uncle too, thank you very much)

14) I was a Swimming Coach for 4 months in all when in 10-11th!

15) I think Apple has come up with pretty average fare of innovation (IPhone was indeed a marvel of technology if not mind numbing in certain respects) And if your IQ is less than 80 then I really think OSX is for you.. no really it's just a prettier face dammit and the propriety that goes behind it! (yeah.. screw you Itunes) But kudos to their Marketing team man.... WOW!

16) The principle any where remotely close to religion I believe in is "Karma", "What goes around comes around".
I think religion was an awesome method of control during the dawn of civilization. But it's turned out to be the bugger with the highest number of death toll and is proving to be so time and time again.Now I wonder if ever people will see the light.

17) I always like to be the "go-to" guy..maybe it's a method of satiating my "ego" (whose concept is over-rated) but still the feeling of being a block in somebody's life is pretty darned good.

18) I really do appreciate the humorous side to people and take to it naturally. Whether it be a pun on me or the other way around.. if it's good, I'll " LOL" at myself anytime . Like the time I was heard by my sister saying "If i don't return this book to my friend he'll screw me", pat came the reply "Well atleast you'll get some action" ... I didn't even get mad! I just bloody laughed at the joke too!

19) I usually love power cuts at night... all the more if it's raining ! Seems even life pauses for electricity sometimes. Had one awesome moment with my Dad wherein he got me a glass of chocolate liquor while he helped himself to a glass of whiskey and we were out on the balcony with it raining outside. We just enjoyed our drinks and small talk and shared the sound of silence.

20) I'll think my woman to be fat if only I can't literally sweep her off her feet,even still I'll consider myself a weakling first.

21) I'm not sure why some people think I toot my own horn a bit too much, I usually do so as a satiric pun on myself which others just don't get (and I really pity your IQ and am glad of it at the same time).
But really, face the facts isn't my toot the most fun?

22) I think Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" could possibly be the most soul stirring music I've ever heard. Especially a lyrical one at that. The next to take such spots could be the Requiem for a Dream (the Battle version from LOTR) and just a few other instrumentals.

23) I absolutely love High-Fantasy genre novels (LOTR, WOT), even more if they are the "medieval" . Things would have been so much more simpler then (well or so I'd like to imagine) . You could be a man based solely on your own talents or prowess , fight for your rights and take or win what you want as yours and prove your mettle through sheer force if need be . And the wars are the best part,filled with comrarderie and brutal emotions , the only point I think apart from the brink, when who you are comes to the fore.

24) I really get irked when people gobble whole letters and such when typing things out especially when they have a big-ass keyboard at their disposal. And vehemently hate sms texting. Numbers and letters are different do NOT mix them. ENUNCIATE!

25) The next time any bugger tells me I need to grow up because I listen to Linkin Park still , will have his skull caved in for him.

26) I think that once you grow above age 18 and such... "Elephant in the fridge" jokes become less funny than they used to be.. hence the existence of "deviant" jokes at certain age levels. If you can't appreciate the humour in it but go on living in the possible causes and effects of such deviance , really do the gene pool a favour and do not reproduce.

Wow! An extra randomness! For Justification read point 1

(This is kind of a Chain-Email sorts of things which I was the victim of in Facebook... The person tagged in the note of the same nature is to write a Note with 25 random things about oneself and again tag 25 other people , so on and so forth. But I am glad I was tagged as it kinda made me look back on my life till now in retrospect.. and thankfully didn't get too creeped out! )

Jan 26, 2009

Creative Writing?

Ah well.. had been to IIT Saarang, and on a whim just entered the "Creative Writing" competition more for kicks than anything else . It was shit crazy. Not completely so.. but for a first timer it was like WTF?
Anyways it had a poetry section of sorts and given various choices with specific lines to begin with and/or end with and points for "rhyme" and "meter".
Given the lines, I could only think of the WOT (Wheel Of Time) series of books and gave a war theme to the poem... Here's hoping it comes through decently enough.
Also the first 2 lines were those that were given and I had to continue from there on.

I had to write such a poem within a span of 10-20 min, so I'm kinda cool with what I was able to come up with. Brace Yourselves

Rumble in distant skies,
Echoing of the spaces
A guttural howl sounds the night,
Draining blood of their faces.

That a handshake will not mend,
A slight of honour is to be met
The fence is broken or so they say,
But who indeed shall take that bet?

Soldiers true and Soldiers Might,
Glance across the shadows
A palace of gold or a charnel house,
By Victory or by meekness.

By the moon's shine shall the deed be done,
That much is but plain
But the butcher's bill will have to be paid,
By the Victor or the Slain?


(and yes you indeed can do maths... this post is made 3 years after the first, the timer on my cryo-stasis unit got screwed)